Small Business


You started your business with a great idea and expertise in your field.  At the beginning, you were wearing “all the hats”:  super sales person, operations manager, developer of product and/or services, marketing director, accountant, cleaning person . . .   As you succeeded and grew, you hired staff to assist you . . .  at the beginning everyone is doing a bit of everything . . .  and soon things become an overwhelming whirlwind and you and/or them do not have enough hours in the day to achieve what you wanted to do . . . Sounds familiar???

Do you feel like this:

Picture of Perseverance – A sculpture by artist Jeff Tritel

Try This Short Quiz - by reading the statements below. Check the ones that apply to you and your business:
If you checked 2 or more on the quiz above, we CAN HELP! Contact Us.

You can simply request a free coaching session by filling out the fields below with your name, email address and phone number and click send.

Or you can click on the link below to Action Coach that will take you to another quiz to assess your business’s health.

ActionCOACH Business Health Test

“We can’t solve the problems we face by using the same thinking we used to create them”  Albert Einstein

Request a Free Coaching Session so that we determine together if and how we can be of assistance